Local and regional bus service
connecting Modoc County

About the Trip Planner

Route Alert:  2025 Sage Stage Holiday Calendar

2025 Sage Stage Holiday Schedule

Route Alert:  2023 Modoc Transportation Agency Title VI Plan

2023 MTA Title VI, LEP and PPP    

Route Alert:  MCHS Field Trip June 26, 2021

June 26, 2021 the Modoc County Historical Society hosted a field trip to Historical Sites in Modoc County and transportation was provided by Sage Stage.

Route Alert:  Sage Stage Services

Don't want to drive? Let us do the driving for you. Give us a call at (530)-233-6410 to make a reservation. We travel to Reno, NV. on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Travel to Redding CA. on Tuesdays and travel to Klamath Falls, OR. on Thursdays. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays Sage Stage connects with Plumas Transit at Hallelujah Junction traveling to and from Reno, NV. No face coverings required. SAGE STAGE 01-19-23   For local bus service call (530)-233-3883.  

Route Alert:  MTA Disadvantaged Business Enterprise List

MTA is interested in building and maintaining a list of Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) for Janitorial, Building Maintenance, and Short Range Transit Plan development. Please email the link below to add your company information.   [email protected]

Route Alert:  RFP 2019 Final

2019 RFP Final

It is possible to plan trips on Sage Stage service using Google Maps. It is also possible to plan trips that use connections with select neighboring services participate in Google Maps. These services include RTC WashoeNorth Lake Tahoe Express, and Redding Area Bus AuthorityBasin Transit ServiceEastern Sierra Transit Authority,  and Trinity Transit

Additional 3rd party transit information applications

Many other websites and applications incorporate transit data besides Google Maps. Many mobile applications are available to plan trips and look up schedule information. Browse these applications at the Sage Stage App Center.

Source data

Data for Sage Stage service information (schedules, stop locations, route alignments, fares, and service calendar) is made available in the General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) format. Download the data file through the Sage Stage website.

Terms and conditions

We strive to provide quality information through Google Maps, but we can’t guarantee 100% accuracy. Use the trip planner as a first step for planning purposes only. We recommend riders double-check trip itineraries with the printed bus schedules and other sources. Neither this transit agency, nor any other, nor the designer of this site, shall be held responsible for any mishap which may result from using Google Maps transit itineraries. Also see the Google Maps Terms and Conditions.

What should I do if I receive incorrect, misleading, or confusing trip itinerary information?

If your trip itinerary has inaccurate stop location, time, fare, or service schedule information, this is likely because of an error in the information this or another transit agency has provided to Google Transit. Record the start address, end address, and arrival/departure date & time for your itinerary and contact the appropriate transit agency to tell them about the problem so it can be fixed. You can use the form below to inform Sage Stage of issues with the Google Maps transit trip planner.

Error: Contact form not found.

Your Name
[text* your-name]

Your Email (required)
[email* your-email]

Describe the issue with the trip planner results
[textarea issue-description]

Please include the URL for the itinerary result
(This is important!) To help us with diagnosing this issue please click the “Link” button in the upper-right corner of the maps.google.com trip itinerary window, and copy-and-paste that URL into the text box below. That way we can also look at the results you are seeing.
[text* url]

Please help us eliminate spam and prove you are a human being
[quiz quiz-408 “What is Sonoma County’s major inland highway (three digits)?|101”]

[submit “Send”]

If your problem is with inaccurate or misleading walking directions, awkward transfers, or any problem with the visual map and route display, your issue is probably best addressed directly to Google. Use the report a problem feature of Google Maps or contact Google regarding transit-related issues using this form. Please consider contacting transit agency staff as well, so they can be made aware of the problem.